Russian Picture Dictionary – Human Body

Let's learn new vocabulary in a fun, visual way! The topic of this page is the Parts of the Body in Russian (ча́сти те́ла). Just look at the picture and learn how the object is called in Russian. Then listen to audio recordings and read English translations.

Audio   Russian word   Pronunciation English translation  

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бровь (бро́ви) brohf' (BROH-vee) eyebrow (eyebrows)

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глаз (глаза́) glahs (glah-ZAH) eye (eyes)

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нос nohs nose

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у́хо (у́ши) OO-khah (OO-shee) ear (ears)

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губа́ (гу́бы) goo-BAH (GOO-bih) lip (lips)

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зуб (зу́бы) zoop (ZOO-bih) tooth (teeth)

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язы́к yee-ZIHK tongue

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щека́ (щёки) schee-KAH (SCHYO-kee) cheek (cheeks)

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голова́ gah-lah-VAH head

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во́лосы VOH-lah-sih hair

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лицо́ lee-TSOH face

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ше́я SHEH-yah neck

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плечо́ (пле́чи) plee-CHOH (PLYEH-chee) shoulder (shoulders)

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грудь groot' chest

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рука́ (ру́ки) roo-KAH (ROO-kee) hand/arm (hands/arms)

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живо́т zhih-VOHT stomach, masterrussian dot com

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нога́ (но́ги) nah-GAH (NOH-gee) leg (legs)

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коле́но (коле́ни) kah-LYEH-nuh (kah-LYEH-nee) knee (knees)

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стопа́ (стопы) stah-PAH (STOH-pih) foot (feet)

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па́лец (па́льцы) PAH-leets (PAHL'-tsih) finger (fingers), masterrussian dot com

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ло́коть (ло́кти) LOH-kaht' (LOHK-tee) elbow (elbows)

Learning Russian Words for Body Parts

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