Bilingual Dictionaries

(Enter a word in English to translate into Russian)

Alphabyte Dictionary
General English-Russian and Russian-English dictionary from The Cyril and Methodius. Features include word search and history.

English-Russian "How to Say" Translation
If you were wondering how to say a word or a phrase in Russian or another foreign language, this site will help you to get the answer.

Ectaco Multi Lingual Dictionary
Free online dictionary from Ectaco with over 600,000 words for any language! Translates from Russian to English and vice versa. Also supports German, Italian, Arabic, Spanish, and many other languages!

Dictionary of Idioms
This dictionary allows to search for English and Russian idioms by a keyword.

English-Russian Dictionary by Pf.Apresyan
One of the most comprehensive English-Russian dictionaries containing about 250,000 entries.

Online Dictionary
This general dictionary translates both Russian and English words. It will also give you several combinations for the word.

Russian-English Dictionary by Pf.Smirnitsky
This classical dictionary gives translations, examples of usage, and grammar comments for 55,000 Russian words.

Russian-English Dictionary
Contains more than 22,000 words and runs with Windows 95 or 98. Free download.

Grammatical Dictionary
Not only translates words, but also declines nouns by cases and shows use of prepositions. From Cornell University.

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Word: куда
Meaning: where, whereto, to which place
Pronunciation: [koo-DAH]
Learn Russian words »


Russian: Закусочная ''Светлячок''
English: Firefly snack-bar


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