How to View Pages in Russian in Windows 95/98

Despite wide availability of latest Windows versions such as Windows Vista and Windows 7, some people might still be using Windows 95/98. You can set up your Windows 95/98 to display proper Russian letters when browsing web pages with Internet Explorer, Firefox, Chrome, Opera and other browsers. Usually this requires installing additional Multilanguage Support Module and telling your page viewer to use proper fonts.

Here's How:

  1. Click on Start menu. 
  2. Open Settings - Control Panel. 
  3. Double click Add/Remove Programs. 
  4. Single click Windows Setup tab. 
  5. Check "Multilanguage Support" box (only if it is not checked). 
  6. Single click OK on the "Add/Remove Programs" screen. 
  7. If your computer prompts you for original Windows disk, follow the instructions. 
  8. If you do not have the disk, download Lang.exe, put it into some temporary folder and double click on it to self-extract. Return to "Add/Remove Programs" menu. Use "Have disk" and "Browse" buttons to point to a folder where you extracted Lang.exe. Then click OK to start installation. 
  9. For Internet Explorer, go to View - Language and select Cyrillic (Windows-1251). 
  10. For Netscape Navigator, go to View - Character Set and select Cyrillic (Windows-1251).


  1. If you can not see proper Russian letters after applying Cyrillic (Windows-1251), try other Cyrillics and UTF-8.
  2. Use the latest version of Internet Explorer, Firefox, Chrome or Opera browsers. 
  3. The pages on site are written using UTF-8 encoding.

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