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This lesson introduces five "soft" (palatalized) vowels of the Russian language я, е, ё, и, ю. You will also learn a rule of the Russian pronunciation called ikanie.
The basic rule to make a "soft" Russian vowel is to combine a sound of English y with corresponding "hard-indicating" vowel. For example, to get Russian я you should say y + a as if they are one whole (ya).
Note that when a soft-indicating vowel (such as "я") follows a consonant (as in "мясо"), it in fact has the sound of the corresponding hard vowel (the [a]-sound of "a" for "я"). The effect of the "softness" is achieved because of the way you pronounce the consonant letter (soft [m']+[a] instead of the hard [m]+[ya]).
This vowel is pronounced like English ya in yahoo. Practice these words:
яма | ряд | яхта | мясо | |
ya-ma | ryat | yakh-ta | mya-sa | |
hole | row | yacht | meat |
The Russian sound of e is easy, because it is close to ye in English yes. Do not confuse it with English letter e, which sounds like Russian э. Practice these words:
место | лето | песня | весело | |
myes-ta | lye-ta | pyes-nya | vye-see-la | |
place | summer | song | merrily |
In the word весело, an unstressed e sounds like an abbreviated Russian и. This rule is called ikanie and it is also applied to unstressed я and э.
Rule #2 In
unstressed positions, Russian letters Я, Е, Э are pronounced
like an abbreviated Russian И. |
This letter is pronounced like yo in yolk. As you can see, ё is formed from y sound and vowel o: y + o = ё. Now practice these words:
ёж | ёлка | плёнка | ||
yozh | yol-ka | plyon-ka | ||
hedgehog | fir-tree | film, tape |
Rule #3 The
letter Ё is always stressed in Russian words. |
This letter is simply pronounced like ee in meet. There is no 'y' sound in front as with the above vowels. Practice these exercises:
игла | Индия | пикник | лист | |
eeg-lah | een-dee-ya | peek-neek | leest | |
needle | India | picnic | leaf |
The letter ю denotes the same sound as the English word you. Practice these words:
юг | Юпитер | плюс | ||
yook | yoo-pee-tyer | plyoos | ||
south | Jupiter | plus sign |
Russian letter | Symbol | Pronunciation |
Я (stressed) | ya | as ya in yahoo |
Я (unstressed) | ee | as ee in meet, but very short |
Е (stressed) | ye | as ye in yes |
Е (unstressed) | ee | as ee in meet, but very short |
Ё (always stressed) | yo | as yo in yolk |
Ю | yoo | as the word you |
И (stressed) | ee | as ee in meet |
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