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You may know from books and movies that Russians have three names. The first name is a given name like Жанна or Сергей. The second name is a patronymic. Finally, there is a family name or surname. The following list includes 90 first names for girls most widely used nowadays in Russia.
Russian name | Pronunciation | Non-Russian |
Александра | ahleekSAHNdrah | Alexandra |
Алина | ahLEEnah | Alina |
Алиса | ahLEEsah | Alisa |
Алла | AHLla | Alla |
Алёна | ahLYOnah | Alyona |
Альбина | ahl'BEEnah | Albina |
Анастасия | ahnahstahSEEya | Anastasiya |
Анна | AHNna | Anna |
Антонина | ahntahNEEnah | Antonina |
Анжелика | ahnzhiLEEkah | Anzhelika |
Анфиса | ahFEEsah | Anfisa |
Вера | VYEHrah | Vera |
Валерия | vahLYEHreeyah | Valeriya |
Варвара | vahrVAHRrah | Varvara |
Василиса | vahseeLEEsah | Vasilisa |
Владлена | VLAHDlyehnah | Vladlena |
Вероника | veerahNEEkah | Veronika |
Валентина | vahleenTEEnah | Valentina |
Виктория | veekTOreeya | Viktoriya |
Галина | gahLEEnah | Galina |
Дарья | DAHRya | Darya |
Дина | DEEnah | Dina |
Диана | deeAHNA | Diana |
Доминика | dahmeeNEEkah | Dominika |
• pronunciation for all 1000 words • accent marks in russian words (а́ о́ е́ я́, etc.) • high-quality audio by native russian speakers |
note: list adaptation and english translations copyright© 2009 all rights reserved. the frequency list is adapted from the frequency dictionary for russian by serge sharoff, used with permission.
audio recordings: copyright© 2006 streit goulnara, streit eric, vion nicolas. copyright© 2007 s. sakhno, n. vion. distributed under cc-by.
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