Vocabulaire Russe (et Bon Sens)
Comment dire "we" en russe
Ce mot russe est l'un des 1000 premiers mots en russe. La liste complète des mots russes les plus courants est disponible ici.
we, us (in grammar cases)
Nature du mot: pronom
Rang: #23 (voir la liste de fréquence)
We are friends.
Photo by Gwennypics, licensed under CC GA 2.0
- Зáвтра мы бу́дем в Москвé.
- We'll be in Moscow tomorrow.
- У нас есть большáя собáка.
- We have a big dog.
- Ты рáзве отдáл нам ключи́?
- Did you really give us the keys back?
- Я не понимáю, чтó он от нас хóчет.
- I don't understand what he wants from us.
- Заходи́ к нам в гócти - поболтáем.
- Come to see us, we'll have a chat. (informal)
- Littéralement Come to us as a guest - we'll chat.
- Они́ реши́ли поéхать на óзеро с нáми.
- They decided to go to the lake with us.
- Я ду́маю о нас, о нáших отношéниях.
- I'm thinking about us, about our relations.
- Мы с пáпой вчерá весь день убирáлись.
- My dad and I were cleaning up the flat.
- Littéralement We with dad were cleaning up the flat all day yesterday.
- У нас с сестрóй был грипп.
- My sister and I had a flu.
- Littéralement At us with sister was a flu.
- Мы с вáми где-то встречáлись.
- We've met somewhere before.
- Littéralement We with you met somewhere.
- Мы сказáли, что биогрáфия э́того áвтора чрезвычáйно интерécна.
- We've mentioned that the biography of this author is extremely interesting.
- Littéralement We've said that the biography of this author is extremely interesting.
- Поду́маешь экзáмен! Это нам не стрáшно!
- Ok, an exam, so what! I'm not afraid of it!
- Littéralement You think, exam! We're not afraid of it!
- Ну, как мы себя́ чу́вствуем?
- So, how are you feeling?
- Littéralement So, how are we feeling?
- Ты читáл ромáн Е.Замя́тина "Мы"?
- Have you read Zamiatin's novel "We"?
- э́то нас не касáется = it's not our business
Littéralement it doesn't touch us - нам э́то извécтно = we're aware of it
Littéralement it's know to us - мéжду нáми говоря́ = between you and me
Littéralement between us talking
- наш = our, ours
- я = I
- ты = you
- он, онá = he, she, it
- Все мы лю́ди, все человéки.
- All the people have their own defects.
- Littéralement We all are people, we all are persons.
- Мы бы поги́бли, écли бы не погибáли.
- We'd have perished if we hadn't been killed at war.
- Littéralement We'd have perished if we hadn't perished.
Case | Form |
Nominatif | мы |
Génitif | нас |
Datif | нам |
Accusatif | нас |
Instrumental | на́ми |
Prépositionnel | нас |
Vocabulary lesson: By Russificate blog exclusively for MasterRussian
Enregistrements de phrase: Copyright(c) 2011 MasterRussian.com. Tous droits réservés.
Enregistrements de mots: Copyright(c) 2006 Streit Goulnara, Streit Eric, Vion Nicolas. Copyright(c) 2007 S. Sakhno, N. Vion. Distribué sous CC-BY.
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