Vocabulaire Russe (et Bon Sens)
Comment dire "and" en russe
Ce mot russe est l'un des 1000 premiers mots en russe. La liste complète des mots russes les plus courants est disponible ici.
and, that is..., though, (particle) too, (particle) even
Nature du mot: conjunction, particle
Rang: #1 (voir la liste de fréquence)
A boy and a girl are playing.
Photo by mikebaird CC-BY-2.0
- Мальчик и девочка играют.
- A boy and a girl are playing.
- Littéralement Boy and girl [are] playing.
- Мы стояли и ждали.
- We were standing and waiting.
- Слушали все: и мужчины, и женщины, и дети.
- Everybody was listening--men, women and children.
- Littéralement Everybody listened: and men, and women, and children.
- Давай говорить прямо и откровенно.
- Let's talk up (talk frankly and sincerely).
- Я это и имею в виду.
- That's what I have in mind.
- Littéralement I that and have in view.
- Что бы ты выбрал? Я бы выбрал и то, и другое.
- What would you choose? I would choose both this and that.
- И как ты не понимаешь, что это интересно?
- How come you don't understand that this is interesting?
- Он и сказал бы, да не знает.
- He would tell but he doesn't know.
- Мы так и сделали.
- This is what we did.
- Я даже и не знаю.
- I don't even know.
- Она и нам рассказала.
- She told us too.

- и то, и другое = this and that; both
- и ... и ... = both ... and ...
- и вот = and now
- и? = so?
- и так далее (и т. д.) = etcetera, and so forth
- и тому подобное (и т. п.) = etcetera, and so on
Enregistrements de phrase: Copyright(c) 2011 MasterRussian.com. Tous droits réservés.
Enregistrements de mots: Copyright(c) 2006 Streit Goulnara, Streit Eric, Vion Nicolas. Copyright(c) 2007 S. Sakhno, N. Vion. Distribué sous CC-BY.
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