Countdown to 2014 Winter Olympics – the Mascots

If you like зимние виды спорта (winter sports), then you are already looking forward to the next year’s Winter Olympics. As you know, the Games will take place in the Russian курортный город (resort town) of Сочи (Sochi) on the shores of Чёрное море (the Black Sea). Each Олимпиада (the Olympics) has its own талисман (mascot). It so happened that the Sochi Olympics have not one, but три (three) mascots….
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Tasting Russian Food in Russia

Russian eateries in Russia Nowadays, Russian cities are filled with various restaurants, from sushi bars to French cuisine at its best, so it’s no wonder that a truly Russian food is sometimes hard to find among the diversity and multitude of choices. And once you find a Russian restaurant the second difficulty is looming: What do the names of these foods mean? This post is prepared by Ruspod, a podcast…
Read more...Tags:blini , borsch , cafe , kvass , okroshka , pelmeni , Russian cuisine , Russian eateries , Russian food , Russian restaurants , Russian soups