Know a proper way to address a male in Russian. Just like with girls and women, there are different ways to address men in Russian, ranging from simply "a boy" to a specifically Russian concept of a muzhik. This podcast is prepared by Ruspod, a podcast hub specializing in teaching Russian through audio podcasts, text lessons, and exercises. Visit Ruspod for more free and premium podcasts. |
Podcast |
The full podcast is 7 minutes 12 seconds long. Enjoy!
Audio | Russian word | English translation | Pronunciation |
мальчик | a boy | MAHL'-cheek | |
мужчина | a man, adult male | moo-SCHEE-nah | |
мужик | muzhik, a tough man | Moo-ZHYK | |
парень | a guy; a boyfriend | PAH-rehn' | |
молодой человек | a young man; a boyfriend | Mah-lah-DOY cheh-loh-VEHK | |
настоящий | real | Nah-stoh-YAH-scheey | |
муж | a husband | moosh | |
- | мужской | male (adjective) | moosh-SKOY |
- | мачо | macho | MAH-cho |
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Russian: Кондитерские изделия
English: Confectioner's