flickr/Jim Bahn cc-by-2.0
As the ле́тние олимпи́йские и́гры (Summer Olympic games) are in full swing in London, you can be sure to know the sports, athletes and medal count of your country like the back of your hand. But have you ever wondered how to say the summer sports in Russian? Here’s a great opportunity to learn and practice a few Russian sports terms. The good news is that you already know many of the Russian sports words on this page because they are similar to the English terms for sports.
Summer Sports
Russian | Pronunciation | English translation |
Бадминто́н | bahd-meen-TOHN | Badminton |
Баскетбо́л | bahs-kʲeet-BOHL | Basketball |
Бокс | box | Boxing |
Борьба́ | bahrʲ-BAH | Wrestling |
Велоспо́рт | VʲEH-lah-SPOHRT | Cycling |
Во́дное по́ло | VOHD-nah-yeh POH-luh | Water polo |
Волейбо́л | vah-lʲee-BOHL | Volleyball |
Гандбо́л | gahnd-BOHL | Handball |
Гимна́стика | gʲeem-NAHS-tʲee-kah | Gymnastics |
Гре́бля | GRʲEHB-lʲah | Rowing |
Дзюдо́ | dzʲoo-DOH | Judo |
Ко́нный спорт | KOHN-niy spohrt | Equestrian |
Лёгкая атле́тика | LʲOKH-kah-yah aht-LʲEH-tee-kah | Athletics |
Насто́льный те́ннис | nahs-TOHLʲ-niy TEH-nees | Table tennis |
Па́русный спорт | PAH-roos-niy spohrt | Sailing |
Пла́вание | PLAH-vah-nʲee-yeh | Swimming |
Пля́жный волейбо́л | PLʲAHZH-niy vah-lʲee-BOHL | Beach vollyball |
Совреме́нное пятибо́рье | sahv-ree-MʲEHN-nah-yeh pʲah-tee-BOHRʲ-yeh |
Modern pentathlon |
Стрельба́ | streelʲ-BAH | Shooting |
Стрельба́ из лука | streelʲ-BAH eez LOO-kah | Archery |
Те́ннис | TEH-nʲees | Tennis |
Триатлон | trʲee-aht-LOHN | Triathlon |
Тхэквондо | tehk-vahn-DOH | Taekwondo |
Тяжёлая атле́тика | tʲee-ZHOH-lah-yah aht-LʲEH-tʲee-kah | Weightlifting |
Фехтова́ние | fʲeekh-tah-VAH-nʲee-yeh | Fencing |
Футбо́л | foot-BOHL | Football |
Хокке́й на траве́ | khah-KʲEHY nah trah-VʲEH | Hockey |
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Sir, this lesson was very useful to me. I hope you could also help with sentence formation with these words too!!!Thanks any way.